Dear All
Rev Roni GoodmanYou will find the service and activity sheets for Sunday 18th October  - the 19th Sunday after Trinity, in the links on the Worship/Online Worship section of this website.  The sermon this week is preached for us by Keith Callard, Reader at St Mary's Church, Meppershall, and, as always this will be available via our Listen-in Worship blog and by phone on 01462 559112.
Our next communion service will be on Sunday 25th October - and if you would like to be there please do not forget to let me - Roni know in advance.  Please remember your Red Service Book if you have one, and your face covering.

Thank you so much for your harvest gifts which are now been taken to the Need Project. Please remember that although we celebrate harvest only once a year - the need is an all year round need!

Special Memories:   Unfortunately, this year, it is not possible to hold a service of “Special Memories”.
Instead, on Friday 30th October, the Church will be open for prayer and we will particularly remember by name those whose funerals we have been privileged to conduct in the past year.   We are inviting their families and friends to come to light a candle and spend a quiet moment with God and their memories in the Church. It is an opportunity open to all.

Do you need prayers?
We have a small group of intercessors who will continue to pray confidentially for those who ask for prayers. If being held in prayer in that way is something you would like, please talk to Roni 339962 / 07533376880 or Jenny 07379345967.
Together or apart - let us continue to hold one another in prayer at this time - and where possible to reach out in love and service.
Please let me know if there is anything more we can do for you at this time…
With my love and prayers,
Be safe, be well and God bless you,